Tag Archives: Swans


Less is more with Callers. No busy flourishes, no decorated distortion – just purposeful guitar, drums, and some seriously spacious vocals. The trio’s second album, Life of Love [Western Vinyl, 2010], lucidly merges a range of influences into something cathartic, sort of startling, and definitely beautiful.

So what’s Callers listening to? Guitar-bassist (he plays the guitar with a custom-added bass string) Ryan Seaton shares:

“I’ve been getting stuck on Minnie Riperton’s “Les Fleur” lately…”

“…one of Brooklyn’s best, Buke and Gass, and their track, ‘Page Break’…”

“…Swans’ ‘Reeling the Liars In’…”

“…Light Asylum’s ‘A Certain Person’…”

“…What else? Mikel Rouse’s old band Tirez Tirez, especially ‘Set the Timer’…” And this:

“…R.I.P. Don Van Vliet.”
Callers left to make the trek to SXSW on Saturday, picking up drummer Don Godwin along the way. “He’s been in New Orleans for a month now, playing with one of his brass bands for Mardi Gras,” says Seaton. “He goes every year, and I’m sure we’ll be rocking whatever he’s managed to pick up during his time there. That will comprise a lot of the van’s soundtrack, I bet.” Read Godwin’s advice on coffee in the morning, a terribly sad anecdote about John Goodman, and a little bit about Callers here in this interview.
Catch Callers around this week @ SXSW, or check their website for many more shows! They’ll be back in New York on April 14th at the Bowery Ballroom.